Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.
MULTIPLE DATES for Spring 2025
$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here. All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.
SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps. All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed. Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.
Stabling, shavings and camping must be ordered/purchased directly from the Pima County Fairgrounds. USE CODE SAZEA so they know you are with us. The RV office, 520-762-8579 will provide assignments, etc.