USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials
to Mar 9

USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to come to our SPRING Fall Horse Trials on our amazing cross-country course! Registration Details and Links available in January 2025

REGISTRATION . Now Open. Closes February 18th

NEW NEW NEW. To scratch/change a registration use this link.


DIVISIONS:  For additional information see the Omnibus.

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T, TR, N, NR, BN, BNR

USEF/USEA Recognized: I/P, P

USEA Recognized Tests: CT-Starter,Starter,StarterR,CT-Pre-Comp,Pre-Comp

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant

EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information here

Friday:  Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  Schooling Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 4:00PM. Schooling Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 9:30 - 4PM. Registration not yet open

Saturday: Dressage - 8am; Show Jumping - 10am

Sunday: Cross-country begins 8:30am. P-Pre-Comp SAzEA reserves the right to change the schedule. Cross-country course closed 21 Feb

We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib.

CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: will be available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.


RV Assignments


Official Show Program - Includes Course Maps

VOLUNTEERS wanted — experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register here. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out). You can customize nights of stay as you register.

USEF Safe Sport Message (recommended reading).

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15-16 March, 22-23 March and 17-18 May Open Schooling
to May 18

15-16 March, 22-23 March and 17-18 May Open Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

MULTIPLE DATES for Spring 2025

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.  

SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

Stabling, shavings and camping must be ordered/purchased directly from the Pima County Fairgrounds. USE CODE SAZEA so they know you are with us. The RV office, 520-762-8579 will provide assignments, etc.


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 Cross Country Fundraiser
to Feb 23

Cross Country Fundraiser

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our Annual Eventing Fundraiser Clinic!

Our amazing Area X instructors are showing their support by donating their time to help us raise money to improve our courses. We’re sure you’ll enjoy our expansive, well maintained tracks and obstacles, as well as our Preliminary Level course.

What a great opportunity to get ready for the 2025 competition season and Spring Horse Trials.

SAzEA is a 100% NON-PROFIT 501.c.3 and ALL proceeds go directly to maintaining the course and running the Horse Trials.

Register in our shop . Registration CLOSES one week from your chosen start date; late entries ill incur a fee. Each weekend has different trainers and a separate registration option. Stabling and camping must be purchased separately in the shop.

ACCEPTED RIDER LIST, camping and stabling details for both weekends will be posted on social media and here.

SCHEDULE for 22-23 February is here.

Medical Bracelet or Arm Band with Medical Card required. Riders must acknowledge and adhere to the SAzEA Facility Use Policy found on this website.


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11-12 Jan Open Schooling
to Jan 12

11-12 Jan Open Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

MULTIPLE DATES for Spring 2025

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.  

SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

Stabling, shavings and camping must be ordered/purchased directly from the Pima County Fairgrounds. USE CODE SAZEA so they know you are with us. The RV office, 520-762-8579 will provide assignments, etc.

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7 Dec Cross Country Schooling
8:00 AM08:00

7 Dec Cross Country Schooling

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.


$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You need not be a current SAzEA member to school the course on 7 Dec. You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

Stabling, shavings and camping must be ordered/purchased directly from the Pima County Fairgrounds. USE CODE SAZEA so the fairgrounds knows you are with us. The RV office, 520-762-8579 will provide assignments, etc.

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USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships
to Nov 24

USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association invites you to come to our Fall Horse Trials and Area X Championships on our amazing cross-country course!

Registration OPENS 8 October and CLOSES 5 November

Area X Championship Policy is found here.

SHOW ORGANIZER: Christina Gray,

DIVISIONS:  For additional information see the Omnibus.

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,T-CH,TR,N,N-CH,NR,BN,BN-CH,BNR
USEF/USEA Recognized: P, P-CH
USEA Recognized Tests: Starter,Starter-CH,StarterR,Pre-Comp

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant

EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. You must submit your information to the link below:

Friday:  School Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 4PM. School Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 9:00AM - 4PM. Entry Fee: $35 per round. Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  

Saturday: Dressage 8:30 AM; Show Jumping 10:30 AM

Sunday: Cross-country begins 8:30AM. We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib. Cross-country course closed 10 Nov sunset.

CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.

VOLUNTEERS wanted — experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Cut off dates generally two weeks before event. Rooms starting at $109. call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate, or click here. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out).

SAFE SPORT and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies message from USEF.

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5-6, 18-19, 26-27 Oct, 2-3 Nov Cross Country Schooling
to Nov 3

5-6, 18-19, 26-27 Oct, 2-3 Nov Cross Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.


$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

Stabling, shavings and camping must be ordered/purchased directly from the Pima County Fairgrounds. USE CODE SAZEA so they know you are with us. The RV office, 520-762-8579 will provide assignments, etc.

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SAzEA Fall Clinic
to Oct 20

SAzEA Fall Clinic

  • SAzEA at Pima County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Registration for our annual clinic is OPEN in the shop.

Join us for an Eventing Clinic with USEA featured clinician Daniela Moguel 19-20 Oct 2024, at the SAzEA venue at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson, AZ. Daniela will offer coaching with the opportunity for questions and answers on stadium and cross-country jumping for riders at the Intro, Beginner Novice, Novice, and Training/Prelim levels.

FIRST TEN REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A FREE ENTRY RAFFLE, to be awared after closing via refund of registration fee minus cc processing fees.

Registration closes 6 October 2024; Late entries accepted subject to space availability and with $30 late processing fee.

Entries limited to 16 riders. After 16 entries, riders will be put on a waiting list and money refunded to those not admitted.

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28-29 Sept Cross Country Schooling
to Sep 29

28-29 Sept Cross Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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4-5 May Cross Country Schooling
to May 5

4-5 May Cross Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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6-7 April Cross Country Schooling
to Apr 7

6-7 April Cross Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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March Cross Country Schooling
8:00 AM08:00

March Cross Country Schooling

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

Two Weekends in March: 16-17 and 23-24

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials
to Mar 10

USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to come to our SPRING Fall Horse Trials on our amazing cross-country course!

REGISTRATION closed (contract show organizer (see Omnibus) for late registration

DIVISIONS:  For additional information see the Omnibus.

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T, TR, N, NR, BN, BNR

USEF/USEA Recognized: P

USEA Recognized Tests: Starter, Pre-Comp

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant

Official Show Schedule (pdf) now available.

EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information link TBD

Friday:  Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  Schooling Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 4:30PM. Schooling Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 9:30 - 4PM. Register here.

Saturday: Dressage - 8am; Show Jumping - 10am

Sunday: Cross-country begins 8:30am.

Cross-country course closed 26 Feb

We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib.

CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: will be available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.

ENTRIES and STABLING can be found here.

RV Assignments now available here.

SCORING and PLACINGS are here.

Official Show Program - Includes Course Maps Click Here

VOLUNTEERS wanted — experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register here. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out). You can customize nights of stay as you register.

SAFE SPORT and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies message from USEF.

View Event →
 Cross Country Fundraiser
to Feb 25

Cross Country Fundraiser

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our Annual Eventing Fundraiser Clinic!

Our amazing Area X instructors are showing their support by donating their time to help us raise money to improve our courses. We’re sure you’ll enjoy our expansive, well maintained tracks and obstacles, as well as our Preliminary Level course.

What a great opportunity to get ready for the 2024 competition season and Spring Horse Trials.

SAzEA is a 100% NON-PROFIT 501.c.3 and ALL proceeds go directly to maintaining the course and running the Horse Trials.

Registration is OPEN in our shop and CLOSES one week from your chosen start date. Each weekend has different trainers and a separate registration option. Stabling and camping must be purchased separately.

ACCEPTED RIDER LIST for both weekends will be posted on social media and here. Find your ride times here.

Medical Bracelet or Arm Band with Medical Card required. Riders must acknowledge and adhere to the SAzEA Facility Use Policy found on this website.


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Cross Country Hacking
9:00 AM09:00

Cross Country Hacking

  • SAzEA at Pima County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are opening the cross country course for hacking ONLY. Come out and play.

SAzEA’s membership, trainer and facility rules policies apply. Details available on our webpage.

There will be no footing prep, no jumping allowed and no water in the water jumps. This is just an opportunity to play on our beautiful venue.

Sign up in our shop.

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Dec Cross-Country Schooling and DERBY
to Dec 3

Dec Cross-Country Schooling and DERBY

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

SATURDAY schooling $60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider; Stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course this weekend. You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with current insurance on file with SAzEA. All registrations/payments must be done on line here Payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.  

SUNDAY DERBY. Registration OPEN in the shop end of October. NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT TO ENTER.

Tentative Schedule:  Start 0930am, approximate end of competition:  4:00pm

Courses will be a shorter than full cross-country courses with a mix of stadium and XC jumps w/optimum time and a maximum allotted time.  All courses will have water or a water option and some terrain.

Divisions (run in this order): 

PreComp (18”)

Starter (24”)

BN (2’7”)

N (2’11”)

Schooling & Competition Rounds must be declared during registration.

Schooling:  Trainer allowed with student on schooling rounds, riders may jump same jump more than once, will be timed if requested, does not count towards ribbons/prizes.

Competition:  ONLY ONE ROUND AT EACH LEVEL COUNTED TOWARDS COMPETITION.  Timed, Scored (Stadium - 4 faults per rail. XC - 4 faults first refusal, 8 faults 2nd refusal, Elimination for 3rd refusal.)  Circling is allowed as long a jump has not been presented.  Closest to Optimum Time with no circling determines tie breaker.

Price:  $40/round

Prizes:  1st – 3rd  places receive prizes, ribbons for places 1-6.

Signup:  Online. Limited time slots available. First come, first served. Day of show entries allowed if sufficient open time slots. 

CANCELLATION: SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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SAzEA Fall Clinic With Daniela Moguel
to Nov 19

SAzEA Fall Clinic With Daniela Moguel

  • SAzEA at Pima County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our fall clinic with the amazing Daniela Moguel at our SAzEA cross country venue at the Pima County Fairgrounds. Saturday November 18th will offer coaching and lessons on flat work and stadium jumping. Sunday November 19th will be on the cross country course. Registration details and cancellation policies are in our shop. Spectators are welcome. We ask that all be aware of our facility use policy.

Registration deadline is 8 November. Late registrations accepted subject to space availability. Limit 15 riders;

Should you win the raffle for a free entry, your registration fees (minus a small cc processing fee) will be refunded to you.

OFFICIAL SPONSOR HOTEL: Reserve here with Desert Diamond Casino and Hotel for a special room rates, starting at $119, or call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA room rate. Cut off date: 25 October. You can customize the number of nights during registration.

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USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships
to Oct 22

USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to come to our Fall Horse Trials on our amazing cross-country course!


REGISTER here in Omnibus. Opens 6 September and closes 3 October.

DIVISIONS:  For additional information see the Omnibus.

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,T-CH,TR,N,N-CH,NR,BN,BN-CH,BNR
USEF/USEA Recognized: P, P-CH
USEA Recognized Tests: Pre-Comp, Starter

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant


EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information here.

USEF CA VSV ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. SAZEA has chosen accept CA Horses entry requirements can be found here.


Friday:  Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  School Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 5PM. School Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 10AM - 5PM. Sign up closed.

Saturday: Dressage 8AM; Show Jumping 10AM. Time subject to change. Individual start times available October 16th.

Sunday: Cross-country begins 08:30.

Cross-country course closed 2 October 2023 for construction, (w/exception of 7-8 October).

We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib.

OFFICIAL EVENT PROGRAM: Click here for program that includes course maps!

CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: will be available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.

ENTRIES, STABLING AND PLACINGS: can be found in the accepted rider list.

RV ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments & map can be found here.

VOLUNTEERS wanted — experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Cut off dates generally two weeks before event. Rooms starting at $139. Click here, or call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate. Cut Off Date: 25 September. You can customize nights of stay as you register on line.

SAFE SPORT and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies message from USEF.

View Event →
Oct Cross-Country Schooling
to Oct 8

Oct Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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Sept-Oct Cross-Country Schooling
to Oct 1

Sept-Oct Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with current insurance on file with SAzEA. All registrations/payments must be done on line here Payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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May 2023 Cross-Country Schooling
to May 21

May 2023 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

View Event →
 April 2023 Cross-Country Schooling
to Apr 9

April 2023 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

View Event →
 March 2023 Cross-Country Schooling
to Mar 26

March 2023 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials Pre Comp through Preliminary
to Mar 12

USEA Southern Arizona Spring Horse Trials Pre Comp through Preliminary

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to our Spring Horse Trials. Join us for a fun weekend of competition and comaraderie on our extraordinary cross country course, located adjacent to the Pima County Fairgrounds. New tracks and new obstacles await you.

SCORING AND PLACINGS available here starting 11 March 2023.

SHOW PROGRAM with maps can be found here.

REGISTRATION via Omnibus, opens 24 Jan and closes 21 Feb 2023


USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: Beginner Novice through Training

USEF/USEA Recognized: Preliminary

USEA Recognized Test: Starter (formerly Intro), Pre-Comp

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant.  

Friday:  Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  

School Dressage Tests of Choice: 9:00 AM - 4:30PM.

School Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 9:30 AM - 4PM.

Sign Up and pay for schooling rounds link here

Saturday: Dressage begins at 8AM; Show Jumping begins at 10AM. P - PreComp

Sunday: Cross-country begins at 8:30AM.  P-PreComp

Cross-country course closed Sunday 26 February at sunset.

EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information on line.

COUNTRY SCHOOLING available after the last competitor finishes Sunday, $45 per ride;

ENTRY STATUS, STABLING, RIDE TIMES, and MORE: We are very excited to be Beta testing the new ShowConnect system for USEA. ShowConnect is a show management system the USEA has developed to provide improved competition information - click here for all the important information about the show.

CAMPING/RV assignments (purchased via Omnibus registration) are here.

VOLUNTEERS: experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register here. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Cut off dates generally two weeks before event. Rooms starting at $139. Click here, or call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out). You can customize nights of stay as you register.

SAFE SPORT and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies message from USEF.

View Event →
 Cross Country Fundraiser
to Feb 26

Cross Country Fundraiser

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our Annual Eventing Fundraiser Clinic!

Our amazing Area X instructors are showing their support by donating their time to help us raise money to improve our courses. We’re sure you’ll enjoy our expansive, well maintained tracks and obstacles, as well as our Preliminary Level course.

What a great opportunity to get ready for the 2023 competition season and Spring Horse Trials.

SAzEA is a 100% NON-PROFIT 501.c.3 and ALL proceeds go directly to maintaining the course and running the Horse Trials.

Registration will be on line, in our shop. Registration closes one week from start date. Each weekend has a different registration purchase option.

ACCEPTED RIDER LIST for both weekends is here.

Book your rooms at our Official Sponsor Hotel, Desert Diamond Casino and Hotels by clicking here, for 18-19 Feb or clicking here for 25-26 Feb. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out). You can customize nights of stay as you register.

Medical Bracelet or Arm Band with Medical Card required.


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January 2023  Cross-Country Schooling
to Jan 15

January 2023 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course. Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships
to Nov 20

USEA Southern Arizona Fall Horse Trials & Beginner Novice through Preliminary Championships

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to come to our November Fall Horse Trials on our amazing cross-country course! Registration is OPEN now and closes 1 Nov.

REGISTER via link in Omnibus.

DIVISIONS:  For additional information see the Ominbus. 2022 USEA Area X Championships Policy is here.

USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,T-CH,TR,N,N-CH,NR,BN,BN-CH,BNR
USEF/USEA Recognized: P, P-CH
USEA Recognized Tests: Intro,Pre-Comp

Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant

EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information here.

HT PROGRAM with ride times, show sponsors and much much more information is now available via this link; only limited amount of course maps will be printed.

Friday:  Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM.  School Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 5PM. School Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 10AM - 4PM.

Friday: schooling round Sign up / payment now open on line.

Saturday: Dressage - TBD; Show Jumping - TBD. Starting times available on line soon.

Sunday: Cross-country begins 0800.

Cross-country course closed Tuesday, 1 November at dusk.

We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib.

CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: will be available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.

ENTRIES, STABLING AND PLACINGS: are found in the accepted rider list as well as the stabling assignments.

CAMPING assignments are here.

VOLUNTEERS: experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register here. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.

SPONSOR HOTEL: Dessert Diamond Casino ; Call 520-342-3012 before 1 Nov to reserve SAzEA rate.

SAFE SPORT and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies message from USEF.

View Event →
October 29-30 2022  Cross-Country Schooling
to Oct 30

October 29-30 2022 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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October 22-23 2022  Cross-Country Schooling
to Oct 23

October 22-23 2022 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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SAzEA Fall Clinic With Daniel Moguel
to Oct 16

SAzEA Fall Clinic With Daniel Moguel

  • SAzEA at Pima County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our annual fall clinic with the amazing Daniela Moguel at our SAzEA cross country venue at the Pima County Fairgrounds. Saturday will offer coaching and lessons on flat work and stadium jumping. Sunday will be on the cross country course. Registration details and cancellation policies are available in our shop . $500 for non-members, $475 for members. Spectators are welcome. We ask that all be aware of our facility use policy.

Registration deadline is 30 September. Late registrations accepted subject to space availability. Limit 25 riders;


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October 14-15 2022  Cross-Country Schooling
to Oct 15

October 14-15 2022 Cross-Country Schooling

  • Pima County Fair Grounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for cross-country schooling fun at our Pima County Fairgrounds course.

$60 per adult rider, $40 per young rider, per day schooling fee; Day stalls are available in the shop for purchase. You must be a current SAzEA member to school the course. If you are not already a member you may purchase membership . You must ride with a trainer registered with SAzEA and with insurance on file with SAzEA. All registration/signups must be done on line here All payments, release forms, membership forms, proof of insurance (for those trainers not already registered with us) will be required prior to entering the course.   SAzEA reserves the right to cancel due to weather or fewer than 10 signups one week prior to the activity (this is to ensure ability to prep the footing (and pay for it) and fill the water jumps.  All will be notified of changes/cancellations and refunds (minus cc fees) processed.  Non jumping riders may purchase a day of hacking in our shop as well.

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