Southern Arizona Eventing Association (SAzEA) invites you to come to our SPRING Fall Horse Trials on our amazing cross-country course! Registration Details and Links available in January 2025
REGISTRATION . Now Open. Closes February 18th
NEW NEW NEW. To scratch/change a registration use this link.
DIVISIONS: For additional information see the Omnibus.
USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T, TR, N, NR, BN, BNR
USEF/USEA Recognized: I/P, P
USEA Recognized Tests: CT-Starter,Starter,StarterR,CT-Pre-Comp,Pre-Comp
Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant
EQUINE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS: PER USEF GR845 horses must have been vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus within 6 months of entering show grounds. Register/provide your information here
Friday: Cross-country course opens for walking at 2PM. Schooling Dressage Tests of Choice: 9AM - 4:00PM. Schooling Show Jumping Tests of Choice: 9:30 - 4PM. Registration not yet open
Saturday: Dressage - 8am; Show Jumping - 10am
Sunday: Cross-country begins 8:30am. P-Pre-Comp SAzEA reserves the right to change the schedule. Cross-country course closed 21 Feb
We use paper pinny numbers; Riders must provide their own vinyl bib.
CROSS COUNTRY SCHOOLING: will be available after the last competitor finishes on Sunday, $45 per ride; register in our shop. NO schooling by yourself or without a trainer. NO membership required.
RV Assignments
Official Show Program - Includes Course Maps
VOLUNTEERS wanted — experienced and inexperienced, we have lots of opportunities. See the options and register here. If you are not sure what you can do to help or need some modified hours, just email us.
SPONSOR HOTEL: SPONSOR HOTEL: Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. Call 877-777-4212 and ask for the SAzEA block rate. Cut off dates apply (generally four weeks out). You can customize nights of stay as you register.
USEF Safe Sport Message (recommended reading).